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South America

527 Articles
First Shipment of Ecuadorian Mangos to Enter MarketThe first batch of Ecuadorian mangos to be imported to China October 18, 2016
Chilean Cherries: Expect a Good Harvest for the Upcoming SeasonWith an abundant harvest expected just around the corner, October 15, 2016
Jing Zang
Eye Witness Report: Peru’s Booming Grape IndustryAs an up-and-coming force in South America’s fruits and veget October 11, 2016
Wholesale Market Report, Week 40: Avocado, Oranges and BlueberriesCountry of origin does seem to matter. October 02, 2016
Gonzalo Matamala of Gesex on Table Grape VarietalsProprietary table grapes will play an increasingly important September 24, 2016
Dan Siekman

An availability schedule for different varieties of table grape grown by Gesex

Peru Pushes “Superfoods” with New BrandingThe brand is to promote Peruvian avocados and blueberries, along with Peruvian agriculture in general September 22, 2016
Dan Siekman
Peruvian Blueberries to Enter Chinese MarketChinese blueberry lovers can taste Peruvian product already b September 17, 2016
Shanghai Sees Record Imports of Cherries by AirHuge growth in direct air shipment is a trend for China cherry imports September 07, 2016
Dan Siekman
Chilean Delegation Seeks Stronger Ties in Visit to ChinaDiplomats and trade personnel visited Guangzhou’s Jiangnan Market on Aug 29Diplomats and trade personnel visited Guangzhou’s Jiangnan Market on Aug 29 September 02, 2016
Dan Siekman
China Opens Its Market for Uruguayan Citrus and BlueberriesPhytosanitary protocols for both categories were officially signed on August 3. August 30, 2016
