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181 Articles
Storms Disrupt South Africa’s Citrus ExportsSouth African citrus exports have been disrupted by multiple storms around Cape Town in early July. July 23, 2024
Jing Zang
South Africa’s Citrus Market Outlook for 2023/24 SeasonHigh juice prices and smaller fruit sizes are expected to result in lower orange exports from South Africa in the 2023/24 season. July 21, 2024
Jing Zang
China Set To Surpass Chile as World’s Second-Largest Grape ExporterAfter five years of consecutive growth, China is forecast to overtake Chile as the world’s second-largest exporter of fresh table grapes. July 14, 2024
Roy G
Higher Global Apple and Pear Production Expected in 2023/24Worldwide apple production is forecast to grow by 700,000 metric tons in the 2023/24 season, while pear production is set to be 275,000 metric tons higher. July 14, 2024
Jing Zang
This Season’s Export Forecasts for South African Oranges Revised DownwardThe Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa has announced downward revisions of this season’s export forecasts for South African navel and Valencia oranges. June 18, 2024
Jing Zang
Hortgro Joins Hands With Yonghui Superstores To Promote South African Apples and PearsIn-store promotions for South African apples and pears have begun at Yonghui stores across China. June 06, 2024
Jing Zang
Global In-Shell Macadamia Production Set To Near 340,000 Tons in 2024The World Macadamia Organisation estimates that global in-shell macadamia production will grow by 7.5% in 2024 to reach 339,200 metric tons. June 05, 2024
Jing Zang
Strong Winds Have Modest Impact on South Africa’s Apple ProductionHortgro has reported that recent stormy weather had only a minor impact on South Africa’s apple production. May 09, 2024
Jing Zang
South African Table Grapes Boost Presence in VietnamSouth African Table Grape Industry and its partners have recently been conducting promotional activities in Vietnam. May 09, 2024
Jing Zang
Global Macadamia Production Increases as Exports to China SoarExports to China continue to drive an increase in global macadamia production. April 25, 2024
Roy G
