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478 Articles
40,000 Tons of Smuggled Fruit Discovered by Guangzhou CustomsAccording to media reports, customs officials in Guangzhou di January 25, 2016
E. S. Jackson and eJiangnan Work to Speed Access to Overseas ProduceRecently, joined eJiangnan in opening the country' January 12, 2016
E. S. Jackson
Fresh Port Provides Consignment Service for Imported FruitRecently, Produce Report learned from Fresh Port that their o January 11, 2016
E. S. Jackson
China Trip a Success for Mexican Agricultural DelegationThe tour of three Chinese cities ws aimed at bolstering exports of Mexican products and paving the way for Chinese import approval of new products December 07, 2015
Dan Siekman
Italian Citrus Poised to Gain China Market AccessItalian citrus fruits are poised to gain import access to China, with shipments likely to begin early next year December 03, 2015
Dan Siekman
Californian Tulare County Citrus Comes Back to ChinaThe ban on imports from the major citrus-producing region of November 16, 2015
Jinan Airport To Become Designated Fruit Import PortAQSIQ believes that the airport, which has the essential equipment, personnel, and inspection and quarantine abilities, meets the necessary requirements. November 14, 2015
Israeli Citrus Back to China MarketOn October 25, AQSIQ issued a notice on the resumption of citrus imports from Israel October 27, 2015
China Gives Costa Rican Pineapples Green LightThe Costa Rican Ministers of Foreign Trade, Alexander Mora, a October 07, 2015
Produce Report
New ASQIQ Registration System Begins October 1Companies that export or import food to China will have a new September 27, 2015
E. S. Jackson
