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Dan Siekman

230 Articles
Celebrating the Chilean Cherry Wholesale Season in Guangzhou

The launch celebration coincided with the arrival at Jiangnonghui of this season’s first sea shipment of Chilean cherries.

December 08, 2019
Dan Siekman
[Press Release] ProChile Highlights Chilean Citrus at Asia Fruit Logistica

One of the most outstanding products of this year’s edition of Asia Fruit Logistica was Chilean citrus, which will be authorized to enter the mainland China market from November of this year, when Chinese president Xi Jinping travels to Chile for the APEC Leaders Summit.

September 28, 2019
Dan Siekman
Vietnam Warns Fruit Farmers on China Export Compliance

Vietnam’s Department of Agriculture is urging the nation’s fruit growers and exporters to improve the quality of fruit bound for export to China in order to maintain market access.

August 20, 2019
Dan Siekman
China H1 Fruit Trade Data: Imports Rise, Exports Fall

China’s exports of fruits dropped 21.3% in value year-over-year during the first half of 2019 to $2.47 billion. Meanwhile, imports rose 27.4% to $5.98 billion.

August 15, 2019
Dan Siekman
China to Buy Colombian Bananas, Grant Avocado Market Access

Colombian President Ivan Duque Marquez’s recent trip to China has opened the way for China to buy an additional $40 million worth of bananas annually from Colombia, as well as for Colombia to gain formal market access to China for avocados.

August 12, 2019
Dan Siekman

Colombian President Ivan Duque Marquez, center, during his visit to China

Hainan Once Again Sets Sights on Durian Production

Recent news of successful test plantations in the southern province of Hainan has raised the prospect that China may someday produce durian domestically in commercial volumes.

August 10, 2019
Dan Siekman
Russia to Ban Import of Many Chinese Fruits

The Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) will on August 10 enact a temporary ban on Chinese pome and stone fruit imports due to high incidences of potentially harmful organisms being detected in shipments of fruit from China over the past few years.

August 05, 2019
Dan Siekman
[Press Release] CSO Italy's 'The European Art of Taste' to Debut at Asia Fruit Logistica

Member companies of CSO Italy will exhibit their high-quality fruit exports at Asia Fruit Logistica 2019 as part of a joint pavillion that will serve as the Asia debut of the “The European Art of Taste” project.

August 01, 2019
Dan Siekman
Guangxi Mangos Hit Peak Production; Prices are Strong

Baise prefecture in Guangxi province, one of China’s three largest mango-producing regions, hit peak volume of mangos this month.

July 29, 2019
Dan Siekman
Fresh Jiangnan to Invest in Guangxi Province Trading Center for SE Asian Fruit

Fresh Jiangnan, a China-based operator of a B2B fresh fruit trading platform, announced on July 19 that it had signed a contract with the government of Pingxiang county, which borders Vietnam in Guangxi province, to build a new ‘smart‘ trading center for fruits imported from Southeast Asia into China.

July 28, 2019
Dan Siekman

At the signing ceremony for the new project. Image: Fresh Jiangnan
