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1351 Articles
Australian Oranges Landed at Kidzwant of Nanjing“2016 Growing Up with Australian Oranges” made its debut at N August 11, 2016
Guangxi Carries Out Quarantine Inspection to Ensure Nut SafetyStrict inspection rules are instituted to guarantee nut safety and quality. August 07, 2016
Mr. Egemen Introduces Turkish Cherries and CitrusRecently Produce Report invited Mr. Egemen to give an online lecture introducing Turkish cherries and citrus August 04, 2016
First Half-Year Trade Summary of Fruit Exports/Imports for 2016Fruit exports and imports trade summary for first half of 2016: exports increase while imports decrease August 04, 2016
FruitDay Responds to Rumors: Store Closures are True, O2O Upgrade Started since End of 2015Recently, FruitDay’s store closures have been widely reported July 28, 2016
First Ocean Container of Canadian Blueberries Shipped to GuangzhouSea shipments of blueberries are priced very appealingly, if VAT and other taxes are excluded. July 27, 2016
Shanghai Port: Air-imported Cherries' Daily Peak Close to 400TAir-imported cherries volume create a new record in Shanghai port July 26, 2016
Season Outlook: Coliman Very Confident for China Avocado MarketColiman is expecting higher volumes of avocados to China. July 24, 2016
China: 2016/17 Stone Fruit Annual ReportPeach and nectarine production is forecast at 13.5 MMT, cherry will increase 30%. July 22, 2016
Produce Report
An Early End for Northwest Cherries to China This YearAs such, it is expected that the price will increase dramatically by this weekend, as the demand in the market is still high. July 11, 2016
