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181 Articles
Experience Matured with Oranges to Shape Egypt's Grape Exports to ChinaOne of the earliest Egyptian exporters of fresh fruit to China, Daltex has based its strategy on limiting volumes so as to be able to guarantee the quality of the exports. This managed approach of quality over volume seems set to carry over onto table grapes, the next product that Egyptian producers will be able to export to China March 26, 2017
Damian Kelly
Joy Wing Mau to Form New Joint Ventures with Capespan and HortifrutJoy Wing Mau and Capespan will form a new JV covering many parts of Asia, while a JV with Hortifrut will produce berries in mainland China. JWM has also recently acquired a stake in Shennong Variety Management of New Zealand. March 24, 2017
Dan Siekman
Moroccan citrus to test waters in ShanghaiOn November 18, the first batch of Moroccan citrus departed from Agadir to China. It contained 2,688 cases and was 25,412 kg in total. After 28 days, it reached Shanghai ahead of schedule and passed through customs inspection in the evening of December 20. December 23, 2016
Oranges from Egypt Outperform Grapefruit, Lemons in ChinaEgyptian oranges experience great success in China, but grapefruits and lemons are generally overlooked November 29, 2016

Fruit Link sales director Ayman Bayoumy promotes Egyptian citrus at iFresh Fruit and Vegetable Expo 2016
Photo: Produce Report

Egyptian Fruit Exports Gain Momentum in ChinaEgypt expands its trade with China by increasing citrus shipments and beginning grape exports November 29, 2016

Egypt’s Agricultural Export Council executive director Hany Hussein and the Egyptian Expo and Convention Authority representative Salama Said at iFresh China 2016
Photo: Produce Report

Hong Kong and China Top South Africa’s Citrus Exports to AsiaMore than one third of South African citruses sold in Asia go to Hong Kong and mainland China September 28, 2016
Updated Crop Forecast for the 2016 South African Macadamia Crop and Industry Growth Figures  The SAMAC has updated its crop forecast August 18, 2016
Dan Siekman
SAMAC Macadamia Seminar First Show in Shanghai: A Big Future for Small NutsInitiated by Subtrop BD Manager Bonnie Buthelezi, the first S June 26, 2016
Wholesale Market Report, Week 24: Kiwifruit and orangesKiwifruit sales differ at Shanghai and Beijing markets, while seasonal oranges from Australia and South Africa are set to replace those sourced from Egypt and the United States. June 14, 2016
Oranges at the market in China
Wholesale Market Report, Week 23: Grapefruit prices downsizingThe fresh, juicy, South African red grapefruits that many people have been looking forward to for a long time have finally arrived at Chinese markets. However, because of heavy rains this week, the general sales volume was low. June 06, 2016
South African grapefruit arrive at Chinese markets
