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Sevan Golnazarian

70 Articles
Chinese Pear and Apple Export Data for the first half of 2017

Customs data for the first half of 2017 indicates Chinese fresh apple imports and exports experienced year-on-year growth. Furthermore, fresh pear import volume has decreased and pear export volume has risen.

August 21, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Turkish Cherries Debut in China, Exporters Look Forward to 2018

The first shipment of Turkish cherries cleared customs in Guangzhou and debuted at Jiangnan Market. Turkish exporters, however, express regret about this year’s harvest and sales volume.

August 17, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian Debut: Australian "Chocolate" Oranges and Fresh Day gain exclusive debut rights to 2000 Australian “chocolate” oranges.

August 07, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Are Ready-to-Eat Avocados an Inevitable Trend in China?

Ready-to-eat avocados are becoming more prevalent in the Chinese Market - a phenomenon that was foreseen by the General Manager of Mr. Avocado. However, serious challenges and barriers to entry still plague the switch to pre-ripened avocado sales.

August 07, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
China Actively Negotiates Indian Embargo on Apples and Pears

Secretary General of China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Produce (CCCFNA), shares his analysis and predictions on the Indian ban on Chinese apple and pear imports.

August 03, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Yunji APP Sells 300K Sunkist Valencia Oranges in Two Hours

Importer Prince Fruit supplies e-commerce platform Yunji Micro Shop with Sunkist Valencia oranges - 300,000 oranges sold within two hours.

August 01, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian and Shanghai Supafresh Link Up for Assorted Avocados and Shanghai Supafresh promote avocados with ripeness indicators printed on the packaging.

July 27, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
AQSIQ: New Zealand Persimmon Exporters Updated

AQSIQ updates the list of officially registered New Zealand persimmon exporters.

July 24, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Fraudulent Fruit Trademark Ring Busted, Suspects Arrested

A criminal ring, selling counterfeit trademarks used to mislabel domestic fruit as imported fruit, was dismantled by Pudong New Area police.

July 24, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Northwest Cherries Navigate a Sluggish Chinese Market

Northwest Cherry Growers reached historically sales during the beginning of July. However, demand is expected to taper off late in the season. Shipments to China are under pressure from short shelf life times and oversupply.

July 21, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian


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  1. Elangeni Food Group · South Africa
  2. Universal Capital Gr · Ecuador
  1. Hainan ITG Logistics · A26,Haikou
  2. Joshua Lim · Malaysia
  3. City fresh fruit co. · Thailand

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