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Southern African Citrus Hits New RecordsThe COVID-19 pandemic has not slowed the growth of Southern African citrus producers. March 26, 2021
Connor W
South African Apples Head to Market With Strong Quality and VolumeImported counter-seasonal apples from South Africa are on their way to China and expected to hit the market in coming weeks. Growers in South Africa are reporting exceptional quality for this season’s apple crop, with global exports poised to grow an estimated 4% compared to 2020. March 26, 2021
Dan Siekman
[Press Release] Understand S. Hemisphere–Asia Fresh Fruit Trade Flows at SHAFFE CongressOn March 25, the Southern Hemisphere Association of Fresh Fruit Exporters will host the first edition of the Southern Hemisphere Fresh Fruit Trade Congress, for which Produce Report is a media partner. March 22, 2021
Produce Report
Chinese Companies Set Sights on Laos for Durian ProductionChinese companies reportedly intend to lease 3,200–4,800 hectares of land around the Laotian capital Vientiane to establish durian plantations, with the goal of selling the harvested fruit back to China. March 18, 2021
Jing Zang
Large Chinese Apple Reserves, Low Futures PricesApple futures prices remain at a historic low. How does this impact the Chinese apple market? March 17, 2021
Connor W
Wo Tangerine Fungicide Allegations Raise Safety Concerns in ChinaFruit dealers in Guangxi have allegedly been violating fungicide regulations, raising concerns over the safety of Wo tangerines. March 16, 2021
Emily F
Chinese Pineapple Prices Skyrocket Following Import RestrictionsPineapple prices in China are rising fast, with local producers looking for new ways to advertise their products. March 15, 2021
Connor W
Zespri and Pagoda Announce Red Kiwifruit’s China Launch in Mid-AprilZespri is set to launch its new red-fleshed kiwifruit on the Chinese market in mid-April, in an exclusive partnership with Pagoda. March 10, 2021
Emily F
SHAFFE Congress Centers on ‘Keeping the World Supplied’ With FruitThe first SHAFFE congress aims to bring together the fruit industries of the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, featuring information on crop trends, production prospects and trade flows for eight Southern Hemisphere fruit suppliers. March 09, 2021
Produce Report
Global Pistachio Production Hits New Records in 2020/21Pistachio producers are having a good year, but how have production and consumption changed during the COVID-19 era? February 28, 2021
Connor W
