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Dan Siekman

230 Articles
Ministry of Agriculture: China Fresh Fruit Prices Inch Down in July

After rising in April, May and June, wholesale prices of widely-consumed fresh fruits in China began inching down in in the first half of July, according to statistics released by China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

July 25, 2019
Dan Siekman
Goodfarmer IPO Could Raise RMB 1.1 Billion

Goodfarmer, one of China’s leading importers and distributors of fresh fruit, has passed a key regulatory hurdle as it plans an IPO of A shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

July 23, 2019
Dan Siekman
Laotian Watermelons Receive Formal China Market Access

China’s General Administration of Customs (GAC) announced on July 4 that watermelons from Laos conforming to phytosanitary protocols can now be imported into China—adding a new source for watermelons during China’s off-season.

July 21, 2019
Dan Siekman
$11,000 Grapes Are a New Milestone for Japanese Ultra-Luxury Fruit

One of Japan’s most notable ultra-luxury fruit varieties set a new record on July 9, when a single bunch of Ruby Roman grapes containing 24 individual ping pong ball-sized fruits was auctioned for 1.2 million yen—or more than $11,000.

July 18, 2019
Dan Siekman
Promising New Domestically Bred Apple Varieties Achieve Chinese PVR Protection

“Ruiyang” and “Ruixue” are said to be the most significant apple breeds to come out of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University since it introduced the “Qinguan” variety in the 1970s.

July 17, 2019
Dan Siekman
OECD-FAO Report: Big Potential for Latin American Fruit and Vegetable Exports

Over the next decade there will be, “strong growth opportunities in high value fruit and vegetable crops provide opportunities for smallholders” in the region, amidst rising demand from export markets and shifting consumption within the region away from staples and toward meat, fruits and vegetables.

July 16, 2019
Dan Siekman

Vineyards in Chile. Image: ASOEX

China 2019/20 Mandarin Season: Lower Volumes, Higher Prices Expected

With a month or two to go before China’s mandarin season starts in earnest, it appears that mandarin harvest volumes will be down compared to last season. Traders expect to see domestic prices for mandarins rise in response to the smaller 2019/20 crop.

July 14, 2019
Dan Siekman
Turkish Cherry Exporters Have High Hopes for China

The first shipment to China from this year’s Turkish cherry season was reportedly sent out from the city of Afyonkarahisar in western Turkey’s Afyon province on June 27. With recent news that Turkish cherries exported to China will no longer be required to undergo cold treatment, and US-China trade tensions reducing volumes and raising prices of US cherries in China, representatives from the fruit industry and government in Turkey have high expectations for the development of the China market in this and coming seasons.

July 10, 2019
Dan Siekman
Walmart Plans to Invest $1.2b in China Supply Chain Logistics

Walmart announced on July 1 that it intended to invest RMB 8 billion ($1.2 billion) in its supply chain logistics in China, including ”building or upgrading more than 10 logistics distribution centers” here over the coming 10- to 20-year period.

July 09, 2019
Dan Siekman
First-Ever Sale of US Rice to China Announced

The Sun Valley Rice Company, LLC, a member of the LaGrande Family Foods Group located in California’s Sacramento Valley, has become the first US rice company to finalize a contract to sell rice to China.

July 08, 2019
Dan Siekman

Jim Guinn, Director, Asia Promotion Programs, USA Rice Federation; William Li, Overseas Director, Shenzhen Yintuo & Vice President, Dragon Ocean Hing Group, Jim Levy, U.S. Consul General to China, U.S. Embassy; Chris Zhang, President, Dragon Ocean Hing Group; Erin O’Donnell, Assistant Vice President of Global Rice Trading, Sun Valley Rice; Bobby Richey Jr., Minister-Counselor for Agricultural Affairs in China, USDA. Image: Sun Valley Rice
