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896 Articles
New Zealand’s Fruit Bowl Ravaged by Cyclone GabrielleCyclone Gabrielle has devastated fruit crops in New Zealand, disrupting this year’s supply to both domestic and international markets. February 28, 2023
First Philippine Durian Exports To Reach China Next MonthThe first ever exports of Philippine durians to China are due to arrive in March. February 26, 2023
Jing Zang
Goldenberry Farms Awarded for Innovation in Fresh ProduceColombia-based Goldenberry Farms has won a fresh produce innovation award for its unique approach to tropical fruit presentation. February 23, 2023
Andrew D
Smaller Crops Expected for All Citrus Categories in 2022/23According to a recent USDA report, all categories of citrus fruit will witness global production decreases this season. February 22, 2023
Jing Zang
Weather Does Indonesian Mangosteens No FavorsIntense rainfall has hit Indonesia’s mangosteen production while the country tries to regain its share of the China market. February 20, 2023
South African Apple and Pear Exports To Dip Slightly in 2023South Africa’s exports of apples and pears will dip slightly in 2023 as a result of hailstorms, but the decrease is not expected to affect Chinese importers. February 16, 2023
Produce Report
Philippine Garlic Prices Go Sky-HighGarlic prices in the Philippines have soared in recent months. February 15, 2023
One More Transport Option for Delivering Thai Durians to ChinaThe recently opened China–Laos railway is expected to facilitate this season’s Thai durian exports to China. February 10, 2023
Jing Zang
Global Fresh Produce Sector Facing ChallengesThe Global Coalition of Fresh Produce has highlighted the challenges currently faced by the fresh produce industry in an effort to gain the attention and support of policymakers. February 08, 2023
Exporting Durians to China Appeals to Philippine FarmersAccording to the Philippine Department of Agriculture, many orchards have recently expressed interest in becoming certified to export durians to China. February 02, 2023
Jing Zang
