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367 Articles
Chilean Cherry China Charter Flights Added From Week 47Chilean cherry season in China is picking up steam, with charter air shipments and ocean shipments both commencing in mid- to late-November. |
November 10, 2022 Olga |
Season's First Shipment of Chilean Cherries Lands in ShanghaiThe 2022/23 Chilean cherry season in China kicked off on the morning of Oct. 30 when the season’s first shipment. |
November 01, 2022 Jing Zang |
ASOEX Forecasts 25% Increase in Chilean Cherry Exports in 2022/23Chile is forecast to export a record volume of nearly 477,000 tons of fresh cherries during the 2022/223 season |
November 01, 2022 Andrew D |
COVID Controls Expected To Impact China’s Raisin ProductionChina’s raisin production is forecast to reach 170,000 metric tons in 2022/23, a year-on-year decrease of 6%. |
October 20, 2022 Produce Report |
Chile Launches 2022/23 Cherry Season, Expects $3 Billion in Exports to ChinaThe 2022/23 Chilean cherry season has now been launched, with the Chinese Ambassador to Chile participating in a cherry blossom event on Sept. 30. |
October 18, 2022 Andrew D |
Hapag-Lloyd To Launch Chile–China ‘Cherry Express’ From Week 46An early Chinese New Year will challenge exporters and shippers to get this season’s Chilean cherries to China on time. |
September 22, 2022 Produce Report |
Chilean Table Grape Exports Increase by 12% Despite ChallengesAgricultural consulting firm iQonsulting has released a report detailing the international table grape market in the 2021/22 season. |
September 01, 2022 Andrew D |
Chile Undertakes Public–Private Effort To Address Ports CrisisFive key Chilean industry associations are participating in a public–private collaborative effort to tackle the country’s recent logistical problems. |
August 25, 2022 Dan Siekman |
USDA Report Highlights Shifts in China’s Cherry MarketDespite rising prices and output, quality remains a key challenge for China’s domestic cherries. |
August 17, 2022 Produce Report |
Chilean Kiwifruit Exports Down 12% This SeasonChilean kiwifruit exports are currently down 12% compared with last year, while production for the season is forecast to be 10% lower. |
July 27, 2022 Andrew D |