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Jiangnan Wholesale Market Experiences Sluggish Trading Volume

February 14, 2017

The Weekly Fruit Price Index at Guangzhou’s Jiangnan Fruit & Vegetable Wholesale Market for the period of January 30th- February 5th totaled 221.54, a 0.87% decrease compared to the same period last year. The overall trend of the Fruit Price Index experienced tremendous volatility during the second half of the period.

The average daily trading volume for all fruit at Jiangnan for this period was 4,050,000 kilograms, a drop of 15.78% over the same period last year. The trading volume for imported fruit fell by 12.87% while domestic Chinese fruit trading volume underwent an even more drastic decrease of 23.69%. The shrinking trade volume led to a decline in overall price for both imported and domestic fruit, with the average daily price for fruit decreasing by 1.33% when compared to the previous period (January 23rd-29th). The sluggish trading for China’s native fruit didn’t reflect on the price of some varieties which instead saw a further rise in price, which was the key factor which kept the average daily price from falling to low.

The sale of high-end fruit as a gift during the first half of this period which was still in the Chinese New Year Festival holiday was the primary driver behind seven varieties of imported fruit among the top 10 best sellers for this period. The seven varieties of imported fruit were cherries, grapes, pitayas, apples, oranges, cherimoyas, and durians. The other three fruit among the top 10 were mandarins, pears and kiwi fruits, all topnotch agricultural products from their respective places of origin in China.

Spring Festival is now over, but its effect on the fruit market hasn’t gone away. It is predicted that the overall price of fruit at Jiangnan for the next period is to maintain a similar trend as in this period.

The chart below shows the average daily price of major trading fruit from January 30th –February5th.

Image source: Jiangnan Wholesale Market


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