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Roy G

100 Articles
Thai Longan Exports to China Down 20%

Thai longan exports to China have been 20% lower this year owing to greater volumes from other producers such as Cambodia.

August 30, 2023
Roy G
China and South Africa Sign Avocado Export Agreement

Following agreements made last year with Tanzania and Kenya, China has now signed another avocado export deal with South Africa.

August 28, 2023
Roy G
Smaller Global Citrus Crop Expected for 2022/23

With adverse weather conditions leading to production shortfalls across much of the Northern Hemisphere, the 2022/23 global citrus crop is set to be 4.6% lower than last year.

August 17, 2023
Roy G
Peru’s Fruit Exports Expected To Overtake Chile’s Within 5 Years

Amid record growth in its agricultural sector, Peru looks set to overtake Chile in agricultural exports within the next five years.

August 15, 2023
Roy G
High-End Queen Nina Grapes Hit Chinese Market

Queen Nina grapes grown in Yunnan are now on the market and selling for over 100 yuan per bunch.

July 27, 2023
Roy G
Durians Now Vietnam’s Top Fruit Export, With Over 90% Going to China

Durians have overtaken dragon fruit as Vietnam’s top fruit export, with an estimated value of $1.2 billion in 2023.

July 17, 2023
Roy G
China’s Apple Production Set To Fall 5 Million Tons in 2022/23

Adverse weather conditions have impacted apple production across the globe this season, with China’s output expected to be down 5 million metric tons.

July 09, 2023
Roy G
After Cyclone, New Zealand’s Apple Industry Prioritizes Asian Markets

New Zealand’s apple farmers are attempting to offset the large-scale crop losses caused by Cyclone Gabrielle by prioritizing higher-value Asian markets.

June 25, 2023
Roy G
Durian Prices in China Falling as Supply Increases

With a ready supply of both Thai and Vietnamese durians at China’s wholesale markets, prices are now falling, including those for the popular Monthong variety.

June 06, 2023
Roy G
Zhouzhi Kiwifruit Production Expected To Exceed 500,000 Tons

Despite hot and dry weather this summer in Shaanxi province, the 2022 Zhouzhi kiwifruit crop is forecast to surpass 500,000 metric tons.

September 14, 2022
Roy G
