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UNITEC Group latest innovations to classify quality parameters of fruit and vegetable products

February 26, 2018

Berlin, February 7th 2018 - UNITEC Group returns to the Fruit Logistica exhibition, which runs in Berlin from February 7th to 9th, and will bring all its technological expertise that has defined it as leading company for more than 90 years in terms of innovation, since it allows Fruit and Vegetable Packing Houses to generate concrete results.

In this Fruit Logistica edition UNITEC will present Cherry Vision 3.0, the new smart technology that allows a total automatic classification of cherries, and promotes a new era for this fruit processing packing houses business: the era of the best possible result in the automatic quality classification of this precious fruit.

The Fruit and Vegetable Packing Houses that have chosen Cherry Vision 3.0 to process their cherries have seen excellent results.

“We’re really convinced that Cherry Vision 3.0 will help us to stand out considerably, by successfully obtaining final products of excellent quality, in order to be able to compete in the most challenging and important markets, like the Asian ones.”

This is how Victor Maroto, Sales Manager of the Chilean packing house Exportadora Fruttita, recently commented on the fact that the new UNITEC technology allows to enter new and more profitable markets.

Pablo Godoy, General Manager of the Chilean fruit and vegetable company Inversiones Camino also expresses his satisfaction about this technology:

We realize that we have an incredible opportunity with Cherry Vision 3.0. Being able to select fruit from every perspective makes us feel safe. Thanks to UNITEC technologies, we’ve succeeded in building a brand recognised for the uniformity of its fruit.

Cherry Vision 3.0 technology is a smart technology, with extremely high-resolution eyes that scan the entire surface of the cherry, and classifies every quality parameter as never before, and it is so reliable that allows to respond coherently and professionally to all deliver of goods to the Organized Large-scale Distribution.

At Fruit Logistica, UNITEC Group will present Cherry Vision 3.0 as well as Blueberry Vision technology to classify blueberry quality, Unisorting Unical 8.0 with the Apples Sort technology to classify apple quality and Unical 9.0 with the Pears Sort technology to classify pear quality.

Blueberry Vision: a revolution in the blueberry industry

Blueberry Vision, the technology designed entirely by UNITEC R&D department to classify quality parameters of blueberries, ensures 100% vision of blueberry surface, both internally and externally, without damaging it in any way.

UNITEC Blueberry Vision represents a real revolution in the blueberry industry for us. In a couple of years, if not before that, those without this technology will be left out.”

This is how Cristobal Duke, Managing Director of the Chilean fruit and vegetable packing house Collipulli, has commented on the transformation that UNITEC technology can bring to the sector.

Alejandro García, owner of the Chilean company Prize, shares his opinion:

I believe that we’ll shortly see a change in the industry standard, because this technology allows us to send our clients and consumers a completely uniform product, which owns the standard we want to give and maximum uniformity as well.”

Unical 8.0: 100% sanitizable, maximum versatility, minimum space

Unisorting too, a UNITEC group brand specialized in quality classification technologies for apples and pears, is going to take the field in Berlin with some of its most recent innovations. Among them, Unical 8.0 with the Apple Sort system.

Giancarlo Minguzzi, owner of the homonymous fruit and vegetable company, has recently purchased this technology and expressed his satisfaction as follows:

The first result I got was the speed at which I could identify and select the defects in accordance with the required quality. As far as the software is concerned, we’ve noticed that it’s extremely easy to use. Speaking with my operators, I’ve seen that it suits them very well. The small size of the sorter was one of the things I noticed straightaway. I didn’t know that by reducing the sorter size like that we could achieve higher production than before. All parts of the machine, especially the cup area, are easy to clean, so contamination is avoided. Only the fact that you can go over it with a pressure washer without damaging any parts of the machine is a big advantage.”

As a matter of fact, Unical 8.0 with the Apple Sort system is the first technology in the world to process apples designed to be 100% sanitized and thus avoiding contamination of the product during the processing phase: Unical 8.0 easy-to-clean design has achieved cleaning requirements certification from Bureau Veritas.

There’s an only final objective: continuous improvement of customers’ business thanks to concrete results.

“The objective that has always driven us,” says Angelo Benedetti, president of UNITEC, Group “ is to continuously improve our customers’ business, helping them to reduce costs, reduce waste and, finally, guaranteeing consistent quality in fruit and vegetables over time to the end consumer, thus enabling fruit and vegetable packing houses who use UNITEC technologies to maintain an understanding based on long-term trust. Our biggest reward as UNITEC is the smile on our customers’ face when they achieve their goals thanks to the results achieved with our technologies and our professionalism.”

Image Source: UNITEC Group


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