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364 Articles
Record Season for Chilean Blueberry Exports, Especially to AsiaProduce Report Lecture 41: Chilean blueberry season 2016/17 overview April 11, 2017
China Accounts for 82% of Chilean Cherry Exports for 2016-2017With an increase of close to 14% Chilean Cherry exports season ends for 2016-2017 Chilean industry conducts a positive analysis of the exports and promotion campaign carried out during this year, especially in the Chinese market China consolidates itself as the main market, and South Korea grows in imports of this Chilean fruit March 29, 2017
Joy Wing Mau to Form New Joint Ventures with Capespan and HortifrutJoy Wing Mau and Capespan will form a new JV covering many parts of Asia, while a JV with Hortifrut will produce berries in mainland China. JWM has also recently acquired a stake in Shennong Variety Management of New Zealand. March 24, 2017
Dan Siekman
The Recipe for Chile's Fruit Exporting SuccessWith Chile having overtaken Thailand as the number one exporter of fresh fruit to China in terms of value, it felt like the right time to ask what lies behind the Latin American country's achievement. February 21, 2017
Damian Kelly
Chile Takes Top Spot: China’s 2016 Imported Fruit Market in ReviewChile Takes Top Spot: China’s 2016 Imported Fruit Market in Review February 20, 2017
Andrew D
Packaging Innovation Boosted Sales of Chilean CherriesNew Packaging for Chinese New Year Received Good Responses in Both Traditional and Virtual Stores January 25, 2017
Mr. Fresh Broadcasts a Tour of Chilean Cherry Orchards on TmallThe CEO of Prize- a leading exporter in Chile’s fruit industry personally joined in on a live show to further promote Chilean cherries on Tmall, China’s largest E-commerce platform. January 10, 2017
Jing Zang
Early Chilean Bumper Crop Raises ChallengesProducers increase shipments to Asia to help offset the effects of unfavourable market prices January 09, 2017
Damian Kelly
Chilean Cherries Festival Held in Shanghai: Pagoda joins the marketing campaign90% of Chile’s cherry exports will go to the Chinese market this season, a 10% increase over the last season. All thanks to an unprecedented marketing initiative. January 05, 2017
Jing Zang
Chinese Import Tariff to be adjusted in 2017China recently announced an adjustment on its import tariff starting in 2017. Produce Report has recently verified with our source that the import tariff on avocados will still be entitled to the privilege of a 10% tax from 2016 (previously 25%), while the import tariff on blueberries has been cut to 15% from the previous 30%. January 03, 2017


Produce Marketplace

  1. Elangeni Food Group · South Africa
  2. Universal Capital Gr · Ecuador
  1. Hainan ITG Logistics · A26,Haikou
  2. Joshua Lim · Malaysia
  3. City fresh fruit co. · Thailand

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