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Wholesale Market Report, Week 27 & 28: Oranges,Grapefruits, Durians, Avocados, and Blueberries

July 11, 2016

Week 27:

Selling season is approaching its tail end for some varieties of citrus and durians.

This year, imported citrus fruits performed well in the market, Spanish oranges in particular, in terms of volume and price. New shipment of Spanish oranges is no longer available. Quality of late season shipments of Spanish oranges is not very good, sales are average and there is plenty of stock on hand.

At present, bigger selling items are American Valencia oranges and Australian oranges. Market demand for American Navel oranges is strong but late season Navel is short in supply. Those available are mostly from existing inventory. Their quality is quite average and hence sales have been soft but price has not come down significantly. In fact, the costs for late season Navel and Valencia are basically the same but, due to its taste reasons, Valencia’s sales are not very good. Egyptian oranges’ prices are competitive. As the quality of some brands is quite good, demands for Egyptian oranges are strong. Some first and second level distributors like low price oranges yet still putting emphasis on tastes. Big shipments of South African grapefruits arrived this week, causing price to drop a little. Huizhan Market has plenty of stock but even though prices are the lowest in recent years, sales are soft.

Due to weather, relatively few new shipments of durians are devanned during the week. The current market is essentially shared by big boxes Thai Monthong durians and small boxes Vietnamese KanYao. The price differential between good and bad Monthong durians is very big. Overall quality is quite average but the high quality ones are moving rather fast. The prices for KanYao durians are stable and sales off-take is quite promising.

Huizhan Market has 14 sellers of oranges and 7 for durians

Sunkist Valencia Oranges: RMB170-180/box (19KG)
US Navel Oranges: RMB270/box (19KG)
Spanish Oranges: RMB180-200/box (15KG)
South African Grapefruits: RMB130-145/box (15KG)
Sunkist Australian Oranges: RMB280-300/box (19KG)
Vietnamese KanYao Durians: RMB130-140/box (8KG)
Thai Monthong Durians: RMB380-390/box (17KG) (good quality)
Thai Monthong Durians: RMB350-370/case (17KG) (medium quality)

Week 28

Supplies for both avocados and domestically grown blueberries are very stable this week but sales are just average.

Supply of avocados in the last few days was limited and so prices were relatively high. Goods arrived were completely sold and demands were healthy. New arrivals are of pretty good quality and so prices have not changed much. The last couple of days saw many shipment arrivals, from both Mexico and Peru. The Peru ones are relatively big in size and are preferred. Prices for the same grade are the same as ones from Mexico. The early shipments of avocados from Peru taste very similar to Mexican ones.
Supply of domestically grown blueberries is not very big but stable, with no out of supply situation. There are many supply sources in China and the ones recently arrived from Qingdao has quite good quality while the prices are higher than those from other areas. However, because good blueberries are not aplenty, demand for blueberries continues to be strong.

Prices of avocados and blueberries at Zhanhui Market as of July 8:

Avocados: RMB250/box (30 pc, 6KG)
Avocados: RMB240/box (35 pc, 6KG)
Avocados: RMB210/box (24 pc)
Avocados: RMB180/box (20 pc)
Chinese Blueberries: RMB60-80 / box (1.5KG, big, high quality)
Chinese Blueberries: RMB45-60 / box (1.5KG, medium quality)


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