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[Press Release] Chilean Cherry Committee Delivers Second Export Estimate for 2023/24

November 22, 2023

This content has been published as provided by its author. It has only been modified from its original version to follow Produce Report editorial guidelines and for necessary website formatting.

Nov. 21, 2023 – The Chilean Cherry Committee, which represents more than 85% of the volume of Chilean cherry shipments sent to the world, has released its second export estimate for the 2023/24 season, which takes account of adverse climate effects that the sector has recently faced.

The second estimate predicts that total shipments in the 2023/24 season will reach 81,477,564 million boxes (5 kilograms each). This volume is 14.6% lower than the committee’s first estimate announced in October and slightly lower (−1.89%) than last season’s exports.

According to Claudia Soler, executive director of the Chilean Cherry Committee, “It is important to make it clear that this season it has not been easy to estimate the volumes due to effects derived from climate change and the El Niño phenomenon, which has meant that the volumes vary week by week. This is an estimate in development as the season progresses and the effects of the latest rains are evaluated on the ground, for example.”

Soler also mentioned that this season’s peak is still expected to occur in week 51, that is, the week of Dec. 18–24.

“Today our efforts are concentrated on shipping the fruit with the quality and condition that the markets expect, and despite the drop in volumes we are confident that it will be a good season. We believe that the markets will respond well, since there are already signs there is demand,” commented Soler.

Finally, Soler reported that to date 5,249 metric tons of cherries have been sent to the world, 88% of which were destined for China.

Image: Chilean Fruit Exporters Association


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