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133 Articles
2023 South African Macadamia Crop Set for New Record

The South African macadamia nut industry expects production to reach a new high this year.

July 25, 2023
2023 Peruvian Avocado Export Forecast Cut by 4%

ProHass has revised its estimated Peruvian avocado export volume for 2023 on account of a smaller fruit size.

July 20, 2023
Chile Aims To Expand Fruit Export Portfolio and Streamline Logistics

The Chilean fruit sector is pursuing China market access for peaches and apricots while implementing new logistical solutions to facilitate future shipments.

July 13, 2023
Italy Cements Deal on Pear Exports to China

Italy and China have signed a protocol allowing the export of fresh Italian pears to China, with market access for apples next on the agenda.

July 06, 2023
China Remains Main Market for Myanmar’s Mangos

According to Myanmar’s mango exporters, the majority of shipments in the first half of 2023 were bound for China.

July 05, 2023
Honduran Bananas Secure China Market Access

Following the recent establishment of diplomatic ties, China and Honduras are galloping toward trade cooperation, with a deal on Honduran banana exports to China already in place.

June 20, 2023
Zimbabwe’s Citrus Sector Gears Up for China Exports

Zimbabwean citrus exports to China are one step closer to reality now that China Customs has released its list of authorized orchards and packing facilities.

June 18, 2023
Australia–China Fruit Trade To Rebound as Barriers Lifted

Chinese authorities have lifted the barriers hampering Australian fruit exports to China in recent years and expanded the list of orchards approved to supply the Chinese market.

June 15, 2023
Ecuadorian Fruit Preferential Access to China Put on Pause

Ecuadorian fruit exports to China, which were set to benefit from a recently signed free trade agreement, will now have to wait longer for tariff relaxation.

May 29, 2023
Pakistani Mango Crop Set To Recover After Last Year’s Heatwave

A heatwave and water shortages hampered Pakistan’s mango production last year, leading to a significant drop in exports, but a stronger crop is expected this season.

May 24, 2023


Produce Marketplace

  1. Elangeni Food Group · South Africa
  2. Universal Capital Gr · Ecuador
  1. Hainan ITG Logistics · A26,Haikou
  2. Joshua Lim · Malaysia
  3. City fresh fruit co. · Thailand

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