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329 Articles
USHBC Returning to Asia Fruit Logistica in Hong KongThe U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council will be showcasing U.S. blueberries and blueberry products at next month’s Asia Fruit Logistica, aiming to boost demand in key Asian markets. August 27, 2024
Roy G
New Season’s US Blueberries Arrive at Fruit Chain Giant PagodaFresh Peachy Blue blueberries from the United States have begun arriving at Pagoda stores, marking the start of the 2024 U.S. blueberry season in China. August 26, 2024
Jing Zang
China Overtakes Japan as Asia’s Largest Avocado ImporterChina’s avocado imports grew by 61% last year to reach 66,000 metric tons, surpassing Japan’s 62,000 metric tons and making China the largest importer in Asia. July 19, 2024
Jing Zang
China Sees Continued Growth in Cherry Production and ImportsAccording to a USDA report, China’s cherry production is forecast to increase by 6% in the 2024/25 season, but inconsistent quality is limiting export volumes. July 16, 2024
Roy G
China Set To Surpass Chile as World’s Second-Largest Grape ExporterAfter five years of consecutive growth, China is forecast to overtake Chile as the world’s second-largest exporter of fresh table grapes. July 14, 2024
Roy G
Higher Global Apple and Pear Production Expected in 2023/24Worldwide apple production is forecast to grow by 700,000 metric tons in the 2023/24 season, while pear production is set to be 275,000 metric tons higher. July 14, 2024
Jing Zang
Global Blueberry Supply Falling Short of Growing DemandAccording to a recent report, global blueberry production needs to reach 3 million metric tons within five years to keep up with growing market demand. July 10, 2024
Jing Zang
US Northwest Cherries in Season With Excellent QualityAccording to Northwest Cherry Growers, the latest estimate for the 2024 Northwest dark sweet and yellow Rainier cherry crop is between 154,000 and 181,000 metric tons. July 03, 2024
Jing Zang
US Blueberries Enter Peak Harvest SeasonThis season’s first shipment of U.S. blueberries to China is expected to arrive in July. June 25, 2024
Jing Zang
Vietnamese Dragon Fruit Strengthen Market Presence in Europe and USVietnam’s dragon fruit exports to the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia and India surged in the first four months of 2024. June 12, 2024
Jing Zang
