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1259 Articles
[Press Release] World Apple and Pear Association Presents 2024 Southern Hemisphere Crop ForecastThe World Apple and Pear Association recently released its Southern Hemisphere crop forecast for 2024. February 18, 2024
Produce Report
[Press Release] Innovation Awards 2024: FLIA and FLIA Technology Winners AnnouncedLast week saw the announcement of this year’s Fruit Logistica Innovation Award winners. February 15, 2024
Produce Report
2023 Global Avocado Trade Review: Abundant Supply and Low PricesAccording to an FAO report, global avocado exports grew by an estimated 20% in 2023, reaching 3 million metric tons. February 09, 2024
Jing Zang
[Press Release] Fruit Logistica Attracts Top Industry People From Across the GlobeThis year’s edition of Fruit Logistica has kicked off in Berlin. February 07, 2024
Produce Report
2023/24 Chilean Blueberry Exports Defy Expectations With Smaller DeclineThe Chilean Blueberry Committee has predicted an 8.5% year-on-year decrease in exports for 2023/24, representing a turnaround from an earlier forecast. February 06, 2024
ProHass: Drop in Global Avocado Supply Expected in 2024The Peruvian Hass Avocado Growers Association forecasts a decline in avocado supplies worldwide in 2024, while reporting no significant growth in its export campaign last year. February 01, 2024
China’s 2023 Fruit Import and Export Statistics ReleasedIn 2023, China’s fruit imports increased by 3% in volume and 15% in value, while exports grew by 19% in volume and 8% in value. January 31, 2024
Jing Zang
Chinese New Year Demand Sends Vietnamese Durian Prices SoaringDurian prices in Vietnam have soared 50% since harvest season, as exporters struggle to meet Chinese New Year demand. January 30, 2024
Roy G
Ecuadorian Banana Industry Poised To Double China Exports as FTA Nears RatificationWith the China–Ecuador free trade agreement expected to come into force this year, the Ecuadorian banana sector is projecting a twofold increase in shipments to China. January 28, 2024
Chile’s Fresh Cherry Exports to China Hit Record HighAccording to Frutas de Chile, as of week 4 of 2024, Chile had sent a record-breaking 365,968 metric tons of fresh cherries to China in the 2023/24 season. January 24, 2024
Jing Zang
