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Jing Zang

421 Articles
Grapery CEO: The Perfect Taste a Simple Goal but a Tough Road

At the PMA Fresh Summit in New Orleans, Jim Beagle, CEO of Grapery, shared with Produce Report the stories behind Grapery’s success and his insights into the Chinese market.

October 29, 2017
Jing Zang
SanLucar Enters China with a Clear Vision

At Asia Fruit Logistica 2017 in Hong Kong, Produce Report had the opportunity to interview Mr. Holger Brandt, International Business Development Director at SanLucar Fruit S.L, who shared his insights into the company’s success and strategy for developing the Chinese market.

September 26, 2017
Jing Zang
Factors Driving South African Grapefruit Export Growth in Asia

South Africa has witnessed its grapefruit exports rise from 9.5 million cartons in 2006 to an estimated 14.8 million cartons for 2017. In an interview with Produce Report, Mr. Justin Chadwick, CEO of the Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa, gave his insight as to the main reasons behind this success and discussed his views on the Chinese market.

August 20, 2017
Jing Zang
Thailand Enjoys the Lion's Share of China's Mangosteen Market

In recent years, almost over 90% China’s imported mangosteens come from Thailand. Produce Report interviewed Thai government officials and representatives from China’s fruit industry to learn the secrets behind the success of Thai mangosteens.

August 12, 2017
Jing Zang
Oneonta: Prolonged American Cherry Season a Future Trend

As one of the premier growers and shippers of sweet Northwest cherries, Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers moves more than 2.5 million cartons of the delicious fruit each year. In an interview, Steve Reinholt, Export Sales Manager, shared with Produce Report the company’s competitive advantages and future plans.

August 03, 2017
Jing Zang
First American Northwest Cherry Flight Reaches Southwest China

On July 7th, a cargo plane loaded with Northwest cherries from the United States landed in Chengdu, China, marking the opening of a direct air route for American cherries to Southwest China.

July 12, 2017
Jing Zang
American Cherry Plum Hybrids Build a Bright Future in China

Varieties of cherry plums have been in China for many years and are improving their market performance each year.

July 09, 2017
Jing Zang
HEMA's Logistics Draws American Produce Closer to China

A wide variety of fresh American produce is now available to Chinese consumers through HEMA Fresh as the company’s innovative and efficient logistical delivery system guarantees high produce quality and freshness.

June 29, 2017
Jing Zang
Fruitday Unveils Which American Cherry Appeals to China

Recently, a Wechat promotional article published by Fruitday drew the attention of China’s fruit industry and cherry lovers alike. The highlight of the article, a blind test based on Fruitday’s consumers showed what kind of American cherries appeals to Chinese consumers the most.

June 27, 2017
Jing Zang
California’s First Charter of Cherries Lands in Zhengzhou, China

emall, com, an E-commerce-focused subsidiary of China Eastern Airlines, has teamed up with Primavera Marketing Inc., a leading California fruit exporter, in scheduling a charter flight to bring Chinese consumers the best cherries from California.

June 01, 2017
Jing Zang
