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550 Articles
Fruitday and Debut New Zealand Persimmons in ChinaAfter 12 years of negotiating, New Zealand persimmons are finally available on the Chinese market. September 02, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
September 1, International Fruit Conference 2017: Event DetailsOver 400 international and domestic industry figures will attend the International Fruit Conference 2017 at Shanghai Puxi Intercontinental Hotel on September 1. The event details are outlined in this article.  August 31, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Prince Fruit and Yunji at it Again, This Time With Meyer LemonsDomestic and international Industry figures attend the “New Zealand Meyer Lemon Launch Party”, an event hosted by Prince Fruit and cosponsored by First Fresh and Yunji Micro Shop in Shanghai’s Jingan district. August 24, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Turkish Cherries Debut in China, Exporters Look Forward to 2018The first shipment of Turkish cherries cleared customs in Guangzhou and debuted at Jiangnan Market. Turkish exporters, however, express regret about this year’s harvest and sales volume. August 17, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Thailand Enjoys the Lion's Share of China's Mangosteen MarketIn recent years, almost over 90% China’s imported mangosteens come from Thailand. Produce Report interviewed Thai government officials and representatives from China’s fruit industry to learn the secrets behind the success of Thai mangosteens. August 12, 2017
Jing Zang Debut: Australian "Chocolate" and Fresh Day gain exclusive debut rights to 2000 Australian “chocolate” oranges. August 07, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Are Ready-to-Eat Avocados an Inevitable Trend in China? Ready-to-eat avocados are becoming more prevalent in the Chinese Market - a phenomenon that was foreseen by the General Manager of Mr. Avocado. However, serious challenges and barriers to entry still plague the switch to pre-ripened avocado sales. August 07, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Yunji APP Sells 300K Sunkist Valencia Oranges in Two HoursImporter Prince Fruit supplies e-commerce platform Yunji Micro Shop with Sunkist Valencia oranges - 300,000 oranges sold within two hours. August 01, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian and Shanghai Supafresh Link Up for Assorted and Shanghai Supafresh promote avocados with ripeness indicators printed on the packaging. July 27, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Fraudulent Fruit Trademark Ring Busted, Suspects ArrestedA criminal ring, selling counterfeit trademarks used to mislabel domestic fruit as imported fruit, was dismantled by Pudong New Area police. July 24, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
